From 1999 to 2010, Howard University was the home of the National Minority AIDS Education and Training Center (NMAETC). The NMAETC was 100% Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) funded and worked to build the capacity of clinicians nationwide to prevent HIV and to deliver culturally competent clinical care. Charles R Drew University, Colorado State University, Tennessee State University, Morehouse School of Medicine, Meharry Medical School, University of Texas at San Antonio, Xavier University and the Navajo AIDS Network, were all part of the NMAETC national network.
Together with Howard, these institutions delivered training and technical support in culturally competent clinical HIV care that served to enhance the HIV clinical skills of over 37,000 minority and minority-serving HIV clinicians nationwide. Our target audience consisted of clinicians and other HIV providers serving ethnic and racial minorities, underserved, vulnerable, as well as rural, medically and socially disadvantaged communities.
From 2011 to 2013, the AETC National Multicultural Center (AETC-NMC) at Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Infectious Disease, was the iteration of the original NMAETC project. It was tasked with training, education, and technical assistance to clinicians, providers and organizations in multicultural HIV/AIDS care. The AETC-NMC served as a catalyst for delivering and strengthening HIV/AIDS health equity in communities nationwide.