This list of image and illustration websites and resources for visuals to enhance your training and marketing materials was adapted from the UCSF Center for HIV Information presentation Best Practices for Finding and Crediting Images. Many of these sites offer images that are free to download and use. Please refer to each site for specifics about usage rights and recommendations for citation and attribution.
Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Stock Photo Library
AETC National Coordinating Resource Center Stock Photo Library
Clinical Info Glossary: illustrations of many HIV-related medical and scientific concepts
National HIV Curriculum: select and download images by clicking on the right panel of course modules. The Mini-Lectures include some brief animations illustrating the biology of HIV, guidelines updates, and lectures about antiretroviral drugs.
ScienceSource Images: paid high-quality science and historical stock photos
bio Render: create professional science figures from pre-made icons and templates. Free educational plans are available.
Protein Data Bank-101, Molecular Landscapes by David S. Goodsell: watercolor paintings that simulate detailed views of the molecular structure of living cells.
Wikimedia Commons: a collection of freely usable media files
Affect: Disabled and Here Project - stock images celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC).
Protein Data Bank-101, Molecular Landscapes by David S. Goodsell: watercolor paintings that simulate detailed views of the molecular structure of living cells.
Please note: royalty-free does not mean copyright-free or free of charge. Learn more.