Integrating HIV Innovative Practices (IHIP) tools and resources help HIV care providers recognize and replicate innovative HIV care strategies. The newest IHIP resources released on TargetHIV include videos, implementation guides, and fact sheets that synthesize essential information about six innovative interventions implemented in diverse care delivery settings including health departments, health centers, hospital systems, and community-based organizations.
Resources address outreach, linkage, and engagement for priority populations including:
- People with lower incomes with/at risk for HIV and STIs
- Youth and young adults with HIV
- Latinos of Mexican origin and Latina transgender women
- People who inject drugs
- People experiencing unstable housing
Access the videos, guides, fact sheets, and other IHIP resources by visiting the intervention pages:
- Early Intervention Services and Outreach (EISO): This intervention seeks to ensure persons with HIV and STIs in Oregon have access to high-quality care, free from stigma and discrimination.
- Positive Peers: A mobile application that provides health management tools, health information, and private social networking to young people with HIV.
- Enlaces Por La Salud: An intervention that uses a transnational framework to provide cultural context to support the delivery of intensive services, including one-on-one educational sessions to help Latino men and Latina transgender women link to and stay engaged in care and treatment.
- Integration of Comprehensive HIV Medical Care with Addiction Services: This intervention integrates comprehensive HIV medical care with addiction services and medication protocols for substance use disorder (SUD), as a treatment model for people with HIV and SUD.
- Viviendo Valiente: A multi-level intervention focused on linking Latinos with HIV to high-quality HIV primary care using individual, group, and community-level strategies.
- Housing First to Treat and Prevent HIV:This intervention uses three interconnected approaches to improve retention in HIV care: housing first, harm reduction, and Motivational Interviewing.
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