Pregnant and Postpartum Co-infected Women

July 09, 2017
HIV HCV Curriculum Logo

This lesson focuses on the treatment guidelines and engagement in care strategies for pregnant and postpartum HIV/HCV co-infected women.

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  1. Panel on Treatment of HIV-Infected Pregnant Women and Prevention of Perinatal Transmission. Recommendations for Use of Antiretroviral Drugs in Pregnant HIV-1-Infected Women for Maternal Health and Interventions to Reduce Perinatal HIV Transmission in the United States. Available at  Accessed April 11, 2017.
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  9. Finocchario-Kessler S, Mabachi N, Dariotis J, Anderson J, Goggin K, Sweat M. “We weren’t using condoms because we were trying to conceive”: The need for reproductive counseling for HIV+ women in clinical care. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2012 Nov;26(11):700-7.
  10. Finocchario-Kessler S, Bastos FI, Malta M. et al. Discussing childbearing with HIV-infected women of reproductive age in clinical care: a comparison of Brazil and the US. AIDS Behav. 2012 Jan;16(1):99-107.
  11. Taylor A, Furtado M, Hall L, Nesheim S. HIV testing among commercially insured pregnant women: US, 2009-2010. In: Program and abstracts of the 20th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections; March 3-6, 2013; Atlanta. Abstract 904.
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  13. Liao C, Golden WC, Anderson JR, Coleman  JS. Missed opportunities for repeat HIV testing in pregnancy: Implications for elimination of mother-to-child transmission in the United States. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2017 Jan;31(1):20-26.
  14. Momplaisir FM, Brady KA, Fekete T, Thompson DR, Diez Roux A, Yehia BR. Time of HIV diagnosis and engagement in prenatal care impact virologic outcomes of pregnant women with HIV. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 1;10(7):e0132262.
  15. Cooper ER, Charurat M, Mofenson L, et al. Combination antiretroviral strategies for the treatment of pregnant HIV-1-infected women and prevention of perinatal HIV-1 transmission. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2002 Apr 15;29(5):484-94.
  16. Yehia BR, Schranz AJ, Momplaisir F, et al. Outcomes of HIV-infected patients receiving care at multiple clinics. AIDS Behav. 2014 Aug;18(8):1511-22.
  17. Katz IT, Leister E, Kacanek D, et al. Factors associated with lack of viral suppression at delivery among highly active antiretroviral therapy–naive women with HIV: A cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Jan 20;162(2):90-9.
  18. Adams JW, Brady KA, Michael YL, Yehia BR, Momplaisir FM. Postpartum engagement in HIV care: An important predictor of long-term retention in care and viral suppression. Clin Infect Dis. 2015 Dec 15;61(12):1880-7.
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  21. Colvin CJ, Konopka S, Chalker JC, et al. A systematic review of health system barriers and enablers for antiretroviral therapy (ART) for HIV-infected pregnant and postpartum women. PLoS One. 2014 Oct 10;9(10):e108150.
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  25. Hodgson I, Plummer ML, Konopka SN, et al. A systematic review of individual and contextual factors affecting ART initiation, adherence, and retention for HIV-infected pregnant and postpartum women. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 5;9(11):e111421.
  26. Boehme AK, Davies SL, Moneyham L, Shrestha S, Schumacher J, Kempf MC. A qualitative study on factors impacting HIV care adherence among postpartum HIV-infected women in the rural southeastern USA. AIDS Care. 2014;26(5):574-81.
  27. Buchberg MK, Fletcher FE, Vidrine DJ, et al. A mixed-methods approach to understanding barriers to postpartum retention in care among low-income, HIV-infected women. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2015 Mar;29(3):126-32.
  28. Siddiqui R, Bell T, Sangi-Haghpeykar H, Minard C, Levison J. Predictive factors for loss to postpartum follow-up among low income HIV-infected women in Texas. AIDS Patient Care STDS. 2014 May;28(5):248-53.