The Pacific AETC’s HIV Learning Network (HIVLN) is a free, longitudinal tele-health HIV training and consultation program for HIV clinical care teams and individual clinicians in the Pacific Region. HIVLN provides bimonthly live, virtual sessions on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 12:00-1:00 pm PT. Subscribe to the HIVLN Newsletter to receive notices of upcoming live sessions.
Pacific AETC's archived HIVLN sessions are now available on-demand. These courses are available for all healthcare providers including pharmacists & oral health providers. Register for each course individually; all activities are free of charge.
- The Role of Self in Forgiveness for People with HIV: A Values-Guided Introduction (recorded 8/24/23)
- A Puzzling Case: HIV, Pulmonary MAI, and Worsening Weakness and Labored Breath (recorded 8/10/23)
- Comorbidities: How to Prioritize Care when HIV is Not the Top Priority (recorded 7/27/23)
- DoxyPEP for the Prevention of Bacterial STIs (recorded 7/13/23)
- What will a Cure for HIV Look Like?: An Overview and Advances in Drug Development Efforts (recorded 6/22/23)
- Diagnosis and Management of MPox in People with HIV (recorded 6/8/23)
- Start to Finish: Patient Perspectives on Rapid ART and Linkage to HIV Care (recorded 5/11/23)
- HIV and Primary Care Update: Diabetes Medications (recorded 4/27/23)
- Learning from the Real World: Interprofessional HIV Cases: Part II (recorded 4/13/23)
- Updates from CROI 2023 (recorded 3/23/23)
- Learning from the Real World: Interprofessional HIV Cases (recorded 3/9/23)
- Black Women’s Health & Wellness Across the Lifespan (recorded 2/23/23)
- What’s New in the Updated 2022 Recommendations of the IAS-USA Panel on Antiretroviral Treatment (recorded 1/26/23)
- HIV and the Nervous System (recorded 1/12/23)
- HIV and Harm Reduction: A Cultural Approach (recorded 12/8/22)
- Does HIV-Associated Wasting Even Occur in the Current Antiretroviral Era? (recorded 11/10/22)
- Evaluating the Intersectionality of HIV and Monkeypox: How to Combat Stigma to Increase Access to Care (recorded 10/27/22)
- Positive Health Access to Services and Treatment (PHAST) Program: Past, Present and Future of Rapid Response and Engagement/Re-Engagement in HIV Treatment and Care (recorded 10/13/22)
- Deprescribing & HIV Care: How Less Can Be More for Patients with Polypharmacy (recorded 9/22/22)
- Engaging Native People with HIV and their Families in Healing through Relationships (recorded 9/8/22)
- Increasing HIV PrEP Uptake through Pharmacist Prescribers (recorded 8/25/22)
- MPX: What Clinicians Need to Know for Persons with HIV (recorded 8/11/22)
- Models of Case Management for Substance Use Disorders in HIV Care Settings (recorded 7/28/22)
- How We Can Address Opioid Use Disorder in Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders with HIV (recorded 7/14/22)
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