Harm Reduction Strategies for People Who Inject Drugs: Considerations for Pharmacists
More than 18 million people in the U.S. misuse prescription-type opioids, heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. Injection and snorting/smoking are rout...
More than 18 million people in the U.S. misuse prescription-type opioids, heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamine. Injection and snorting/smoking are rout...
This White Paper was developed by the National Alliance for HIV Education and Workforce Development (NAHEWD), and provides recommendations for the AET...
This resource was developed to help healthcare agencies to train Community Health Workers (CHW) in order to integrate them into their HIV and other pr...
This document serves as an informal educational tool meant to address gaps in knowledge related to cultural humility, to demonstrate the necessity of...
Training slides outline types and dimensions of stigma; review how HIV-related and intersectional stigma experienced by clients can affect HIV prevent...
Archived webinar.
Training slides cover health inequities related to accessing culturally competent medical care, and discuss the role of rurality, and cultural norms o...
Training slides define intersectionality and its theoretical underpinnings and draw a connection between intersectional forms of oppression and health...
The 2021 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Annual Client-Level Data Report (PDF - 6 MB) includes client-level data submitted to the RWHAP Services R...
Each year HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau sponsors a conference for Ryan White Program clinicians to learn about advances in care and treatment. The AETC Natio...
(Recorded 5/11/23)
As part of the Southeast AETC's Tennessee regional partner's Anti-ISM Thursday training series, this webinar examines faith as a soc...
(Recorded 5/10/23)
This training reviews ways to implement a comprehensive initial visit for a person with newly diagnosed HIV including engaging in mu...
Training slides review:
Training slides learning objectives include:
Training slides learning objectives include:
Training slides learning objectives include:
Training slides learning objectives include:
Training slides learning objectives include:
Training slides review myths and facts about HIV and define HIV stigma, which can lead to HIV discrimination. Strategies to reduce HIV stigma in your...
This trauma-informed HIV care webinar was a virtual workshop for community health workers, testing and counseling staff, case managers, an...
The National HIV Curriculum (NHC) provides free, up-to-date content for clinicians to learn about HIV diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The 37 les...
(Recorded on 08/09/2023)
Presenters provide significant findings and key updates from the 24th International AIDS Conference.
(Recorded 10/9/2023)
This presentation provides an overview of the intersection of mental health problems and HIV infection. It includes bo...
Archived training and slides cover information to address common questions patients have about HIV medications, adherence, and complications, and how...
This is a job aid for counselors and providers working with people with HIV.
The purpose of this tool is to guide people with HIV to plan and achieve t...
(Recorded 10/4/23)
Archived training covers implementing motivational interviewing techniques and describes key components to building trust between pa...
(Recorded in 2 parts, 10/20/23 and 10/27/23)
This archived training series covers the following:
(Recorded on 12/11/23)
Healing (Trauma) Informed Care (HIC) is a best practice model applicable to all in the helping field, including phys...
Training slides identify ways to clarify if agencies have experience working with people with HIV or who are gender and sexual minorities, and identif...
Training slides review proper terminology and the appropriate course correct when errors are made when addressing patients, and list validated resourc...
Training slides review the types and stages of disclosure of illness to youth with HIV and list special circumstances for consideration during the pro...
These training slides discuss stigma and its impact on HIV patient-provider interactions, as well as its traumatizing effects on physical and mental h...
These training slides explore social determinants of health and their impact on diverse populations with HIV.
These slides review trends in HIV and smoking and the importance of promoting smoking cessation among people with HIV (PWH). Challenges and how to add...
This presentation provides an overview on the 4Ms framework and how it contributes to creating an Age Friendly Health System (AFHS). The 4Ms framework...
These slides discuss the health disparities experienced by Latines, and how experienced trauma increases the likelihood of developing health condition...
A guide with tips for clinics serving older people with HIV to enhance the patient experience and improve retention.
A: AccommodationsDr. Walters will explain how intersectionality is a critical theory, method, and praxis that accounts for how interlocking systems of oppr...
Learning objectives:
ACTHIV® Institute is offering a series of CME/CNE courses which are available for credit throughout September 15, 2025. These online courses were vote...
(Recorded on 10/24/2024)
Stories engage people with lived experience, humanize provider training, and increase knowledge and sensitivity to...
(Recorded on 10/11/2023)
Quarterly virtual breakfast meeting focused on Ending the HIV Epidemic in Suffolk County. This recorded meeting fe...
(Recorded on 01/10/2024)
Archived CT AETC HIV Workforce Development program presentation on HIPAA training for the City of Hartford Departm...
(Recorded on 2/5/2022)
This recorded webinar discussed Stigma, HIV, and substance use disorder (SUD).
Topics include:
The continuum of care model for clinicians (defined as prescribers: nurse practitioners, physicians, physician assistants, and – in some states – phar...
In this short video rural clinicians and people with HIV describe the challenges of access and stigma in rural environments. Challenges include findin...
Learning objectives include:
Infographic highlights some of the risk factors that contribute to higher HIV infection rates in Black women in the U.S. Recommendations for HIV preve...
This infographic identifies the social determinants and risk factors that contribute to new HIV infections among YBMSM (ages 13-24) and offers recomme...
I never thought my experience as a Black woman, nor my experience as a woman who enjoys sex, would combine in a way that could put me in jail. When I was diagnosed with HIV in 2003, I had a very limited understanding of what that meant with respect to accessing treatment, being virally suppressed, d...