Health Workforce Education & Training Approaches

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Resources: 11

Stock Photo Library

The AETC NCRC visited five clinics to capture images representative of the work of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP)-providing clinical teams in div...

Publication Date

HIV Care Conversations

HIV Care Conversations is a podcast for healthcare providers treating and managing care for people with HIV in the United States. Through short conver...

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Resilience In Providers

Training slides learning objectives include:

  • Recognizing burnout and compassion fatigue in HIV providers
  • Identifying common factors of resilience
  • Differe...
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HIV & Youth: Part II

These slide sets were designed for providers on different strategies to engage youth with HIV in their care. You can download the slides below:


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Resources: 1

Articles: 2

Building the HIV Workforce - TAKE on HIV


The epicenter of the HIV epidemic is the Southern U.S., where 52% of all new U.S. HIV diagnoses occur and where 38% of the U.S. population lives. Nearly half of all deaths from HIV occur in the South (1). While bearing a heavy burden of HIV diagnoses and deaths, the Southern US lags behind...