Practice Transformation

Practice transformation refers to a process of change in the organization and delivery of primary care to advance quality improvement, patient-centered care, and characteristics of high performing primary care. Since 2015, the AETC Program has implemented projects to support and facilitate practice transformation in selected clinics in order to improve patient outcomes along the HIV care continuum by integrating principles of the patient-centered medical home model and integrated HIV care and behavioral health services. The practice transformation process involves goal-setting, leadership, practice facilitation, workflow changes, quality improvement and outcomes measurement, and adapting organizational tools and processes to support advances in models of team-based care.

Websites with Resources to Explore

Websites of organizations that support practice transformation and advancement of the patient-centered medical home model of care have many resources to explore. Some of the organizations offer regular webinars on diverse topics and are continually adding new materials. Others provide a repository of materials and lessons learned from completed projects. In addition to specific resources listed under topics below, explore the following websites to identify other resources and tools.

Getting Started
Practice Readiness Assessment Tools
Engaging Leadership Quality Improvement Tools Practice Transformation Facilitator Training Programs Newsletters and Forums

Resources: 12

Practice Transformation Curriculum

This multi-module curriculum is designed for all health-care providers and covers various topics.

Courses within curriculum
  • PT101 – The First 3 Months a...
Publication Date

Resources: 5

Articles: 10

Evolving: A Journey in Practice Transformation

I remember driving to Chicago on my first day as a Midwest AETC Practice Transformation (PT) Coach. I was filled with both excitement and apprehension to participate in a intensive training titled Building Blocks of High Performing Primary Care. While the concepts of PT were familiar to me after ov...

Practicing Cultural Humility to Transform Health Care

Moving beyond culture competency to cultural humility acknowledges patients’ authority over their own lived experience

Health care delivery often involves a one-size-fits-all approach. As clinicians, we treat a patient with a particular diagnosis similar to the last patient we saw with the same diagn...


AETC IPE Programs Prepare the Next Generation of HIV Providers

Cross-posted from TargetHIV coverage of the 2018 National Ryan White Conference.

Regional AETCs across the United States are working to bring new clinicians into the HIV workforce through inter-professional education (IPE) programs. IPE trains learners in teams in clinical settings where trainees lea...

TargetHIV: Tools for HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program

Addressing the HIV Outbreak among People with HIV and the American Indian Community: MATEC Minnesota's HIV Practice Transformation Project Successes

The Native American Community Clinic (NACC) in Minneapolis has been highly successful in integrating HIV care into their Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC). Minnesota has eleven sovereign American Indian (AI) nations1, and the Phillips neighborhood of Minneapolis (where NACC is located) has th...

The Reach of HIV Provider Training

(Cross-posted from TargetHIV)

Each year, over 50,000 HIV care providers receive tailored HIV training from HRSA to better equip them to deliver HIV care to people with HIV with low incomes, according to a report from HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP). 

Trainings reached a mix of nurses, docto...

TargetHIV: Tools for HRSA's Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program