Adults over 50

Resources: 28

Understanding Frailty

Training slides define frailty and review how to recognize, assess and clinically address frailty in older adults with HIV.

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HIV Resource Library

New England AETC's HIV Resource Library is a compilation of curated resources and education packets on HIV, viral hepatitis, and related public health...

Publication Date

NCCC Trainings On Demand

Access recorded trainings presented by the AETC National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) in partnership with Health Resources and Services Admini...

Publication Date

HIV and Aging

Training slides highlight the comparison of estimated life expectancy for a person with HIV in the early phase of the epidemic and now, describe the e...

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Older Adults Living with HIV

These slides identify challenges associated with changing demographics of people with HIV (PWH) and strategies to support the aging community with HIV...

Publication Date

Resources: 1