Arizona HIV/STI/TB Clinical Update Session Materials
These presentation slides were from an annual event presented by the Pacific AETC's Arizona regional partner, California Prevention Training Center, a...
These presentation slides were from an annual event presented by the Pacific AETC's Arizona regional partner, California Prevention Training Center, a...
This resource is intended to assist clinicians in managing patients with HIV and latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), and drug-susceptible pulmonary...
From the Project ECHO-University of New Mexico HIV TeleECHO Clinic, these training slides review latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) treatment recomm...
The guidelines address the following opportunistic infections: PCP, Toxo, Cryptosporidia, Microsporidia, TB, MAC, Bacterial Respiratory Disease, Bacte...
Each year HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau sponsors a conference for Ryan White Program clinicians to learn about advances in care and treatment. The AETC Natio...
The National HIV Curriculum (NHC) provides free, up-to-date content for clinicians to learn about HIV diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. The 37 les...
The purpose of this guide is to provide HIV practitioners with a quick reference for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) for people...
These slides provide an overview on the syndemic theory and approach. Syndemic of HIV, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), viral hepatitis, tuberc...
These slides provide Arizona's tuberculosis (TB) data in relation to national TB data.
These slides provide information on HIV and its connection with tuberculosis (TB). It discusses information on having a higher risk of developing TB c...
Training slides review various studies on HIV & COVID, tuberculosis, and hepatitis C.
Training slides provide updates on tuberculosis in people with HIV including prevalence, prevention, and treatment.
Training slides review highlights from CROI 2022 regarding HIV co-infections including tuberculosis, COVID-19, and hepatitis C.