Postexposure Prophylaxis

Resources: 48

HIV Transmission PrEP/nPEP

This presentation is designed for oral health providers. It covers the following:

  • current demographics of HIV and the disparities in race/ethnicity
  • mode...
Publication Date

Does this Patient Need PEP?

Case-based training slides review scenarios of possible HIV exposures to assess when prescribing post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is appropriate and/or...

Publication Date

HIV Resource Library

New England AETC's HIV Resource Library is a compilation of curated resources and education packets on HIV, viral hepatitis, and related public health...

Publication Date

IAS Update 2023


(Recorded on 08/09/2023)

Presenters provide significant findings and key updates from the 24th International AIDS Conference. 



Publication Date

NCCC Trainings On Demand

Access recorded trainings presented by the AETC National Clinician Consultation Center (NCCC) in partnership with Health Resources and Services Admini...

Publication Date

HIV PrEP and DoxyPEP

These training slides review the indications and contraindications on use of different types of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), potential use for dox...

Publication Date

CROI Update: Prevention

These training slides provide updates and impact of use of Doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (Doxy-PEP) in clinical practice.

Preview and Downlo...

Publication Date

HIV 101

These slides describe the transmission of HIV, its progression, considerations for treatment selection, and key concepts and terms related to HIV.


Publication Date

Conference Update: CROI 2024

These slides provide an overview on DoxyPEP for sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention, as well as newest data on novel antiretroviral thera...

Publication Date

A Pain in the Rectum

These guideline slides provide case scenarios that challenge providers to distinguish alternative diagnoses for each patient's admitting symptoms and...

Publication Date

Current Topics in HIV

These slides provide various topics related to HIV, such as testing and linkage to care, options for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) treatment, curren...

Publication Date

Resources: 1

Articles: 6

Sexual Assault: PEP is an Urgent Health Need

When a patient presents to your emergency department, urgent care or clinic with a chief complaint of sexual assault within the last 24 hours, the challenge is recognizing that, along with safety and criminal justice concerns, this patient has emergent health needs. One of the most urgent of these i...
